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Check your using the correct nozzle size - Nozzle size chart

Check your using the correct nozzle size - Nozzle size chart

Check your using the correct nozzle size - Nozzle size chart

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Having the correct nozzle size in your pressure washer accessories is extremely important for optimal performance.

A nozzle that is too small for your pressure washer causes pressure to build up inside the machine and can overload the motor.

A nozzle that is too large for your pressure washer allows too much water to flow through, dropping the pressure of the machine and also your cleaning performance.

Use our handy chart to find your correct nozzle size.


Download the Powerblast Nozzle Chart

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Our Clients Say

Roof Cleaning Contractor

My TurboKiller’ nozzle is the best investment I have ever made (apart from my PowerBlast® High Pressure cleaner)!

I can now clean an average of 3 tiled roofs per day – when I only used to be able to clean 2 per day!

I would recommend one to anybody who is really serious about cleaning – and even to people who aren’t really serious about cleaning!

Workshop Foreman, Earthmoving Contractor

I thought that I was going to have to upgrade to a new high pressure cleaner to clean the heavy encrusted dirt and grease off of our D9 Dozer tracks….That was until I bought a TurboKiller’nozzle!

Now I wouldn’t even dream of starting a cleaning job without my ‘TurboKiller’ it just saves me so much time and cleans things that I once thought were impossible!

Waterblast Cleaning Contractor

I have tried other ‘turbo’ nozzles before, but nothing comes close to the cleaning and cutting power of a ‘TurboKiller’…and the PowerBlast® ‘Turbo-Killer’ outperforms and outlasts my other ‘turbo’ nozzles 2 to 1!

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